Happy Fourth Of July!!!

Jul 04, 2013 13:52

Hi, luvs! A Happy Fourth of July for my fellow Americans and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to digitalwave and selinamoonfire! Have a great day, ladies! :)

I ran to the grocery store this morning and picked up hamburgers, corn-on-the-cob, and a bunch of fresh fruit. I've been craving fresh, juicy, cold fruit like crazy. It must be this heat! I also bought some ice cream sandwiches. The fruit consists of strawberries, grape tomatoes, blueberries and plums. *mouth waters*

I'll be going over to the neighbors later for a cook-out and there will be fireworks. Hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill are super-tasty! :) I did some pro writing this morning and am typing up some fanfic while listening to the Red Sox game. Nothing better than the Fourth of July at Fenway Park! :)

Hope you're all enjoying your day! :)

holiday, rl, fourth of july, boston red sox, profic, birthday, writing, u.s.a., food, fanfic, fenway park

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