When were you born?
December 23rd, 1982 at 8:05AM. I was actually due for Christmas Day.
OMG that must suck - Don't you get ripped off on presents?
Fortunately, people who know me well, whether it be family or friends, don't do that. If I only get one present from someone, as opposed to at least one for each occasion, it's always bigger than usual.
Ever celebrate
Nope, can't say that I have, let alone seen the Seinfeld episode that it spawned from.
Do you know anyone else who was born around the same date?
Yes, my good friend Jessica was born one day after me.
What kind of cutsy birth stories was your mom repeating today?
I was a fat baby, weighing in at something like over 8.5 pounds, which was a lot for someone as skinny as she was at around or less than 100 pounds. Due to how I looked, some nurses nicknamed me sumo. Of course, nobody would guess this given how I look today.
What did you do for your birthday?
Sleep in, do research on car CD receivers, go to my mom's place, open her birthday present and card, have dinner and spend time with David and his family. I didn't do a whole lot more since I was really full and tired after dinner, but it was just what I wanted, and that's what matters.