Mar 31, 2005 11:31
I have an A+ in my Statistics class thanks to 5 points worth of extra credit and a curved test. Although according to Blackboard, the class average (not median) is 95.4%.
Unfortunately, I don't think I can say the same for my English class, but we'll see after I get my second paper back. I'm expecting a B as my current grade in the class.
Today, I have joined an elite group of professional athletes such as Mark McGuire and Barry Bonds. I am taking steroids.
They're supposed to shrink my tonsils. :)
After I told the ENT that someone from urgent care told me they were size 2-3 on a scale of 4, he told me that they're more like 3-4. So much for thinking that they've shrunk since Monday. With that, he's open to the possibility of removing my tonsils, but we'll see what he says in two weeks for a follow up. I'm just glad he told me it would be very unlikely for my tonsils to nearly close my throat like it once did when I was a kid.
I swear - I am seeing more doctors in under two months than I did during the past year and a half. Seems like a lot to me, but it's just relative. In two Thursdays from now, I will have made six different doctor visits.
I'm going back into work today. My voice is mostly recovered.