MOVIE MADNESS! 2006, Final Four, Game 1 of 2

May 30, 2006 13:34

Woah! Check it out! The last poll was yet another demonstration of how spreading the word changes the swing of competition. The Browncoats have been promoting the polls in their fan communities, and that made a huge difference in bringing Serenity to a clear win over Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. As a result of the increased number of voters, the competition between Casablanca and The Breakfast Club took a big swing in the opposite direction, bringing the Bogart classic to its own win and a trip to the Final Four.
THANKS to all who have been spreading the word! Even though this moderator's own fandoms are being shut out by the sheer numbers of fans of other films, I'm glad we have people coming out to represent their favorites! :D

Poll MOVIE MADNESS! 2006, Final Four, Game 1 of 2

Click here to access the pre-game post.
Click here to view the brackets.

WINNER ON JUNE 1: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (130-57)
Feel free to continue voting even as the winners move on to the next round...


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