
Apr 21, 2008 16:44

This post is simply for spam!comments for the community...

When I say spam!comments, I mean comments on anything related to the community. So if you want to make a request for posting access, you can comment here. If you are asking for something specific, such as the 'It's My Life' video the current layout is based on, or affilitation to the community, just comment here.

Random graphics/vids requests can be placed here also - So if you're not expecting any specific member to make you something, but you know you want something made, you can leave a comment here. If you do it this way, I will make a notice for other posting members to see that there is a random request up for grabs - so it WILL be seen by the other members.

Your overall thoughts on the comm, or on specific members work - Complaints or problems...anything about the community that is making you think, just talk about it here! XD

So go on - start spam!commenting!


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