movie hatred!!!

Dec 21, 2006 01:51

Ok, so usually im not such the stickler for movies being so correct to the books... i forgive Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, also Narnia, HOWEVER- i have a bone to pick with the new Eragon movie.

For one, i just finished the book today, and then decided to go see it with kirsten because i was so excited to have finished to book and have waited nearly a week to see the film. Well i hadnt read or heard any reviews on the movie and i knew that people didnt like it because of it being a book film- i tend to ignore them before i can pass judgment for myself. In this case i should have saved my 6 dollars and spent it on something worth while... like i dunno... porn or something that wouldnt make me so irritated after im through with it.

Im sorry, but this movie manages to kill the plot of a well thought out book (realizing it's a childrens trilogy- take your own opinion on how well writen it is, but remember we're talking about the movie currently) and completely destroys any sense of plot what so ever. The director might as well have gone to the screenwriter and said "OK, so we have a dragon and it's rider... oh and we have a few other people too... GO!" I mean for crying out loud i could have writen a better script for this and i JUST read the book people. I realize that it's hard to see what should stay in the movie and what can be left out... but when you hardly explain everything, CHANGE the entire out come of events and then leave the audience marveling at a cool blue dragon that nearly dies... what else can you expect but horrible reviews. i hope they're not taken aback by such poor ratings... geez.

I more or less take issue with the screenplay... and am amazed. Not only can they cut shit out of the book and rush the plot... but they still managed to DRAG the entire time. I love this book, and i love the idea of it... and when i think back on how excited i was to see this movie and how i hoped that they director wouldnt fuck it up. I might as well have pissed on the posters right then and there.

In conclusion all i have to say is Stefen Fangmeier- stick to fucking special effects and spare us from directing another film... and Christopher Paolini- shame on you, i hope you're calling a lawyer right about now. Who the hell would let someone butcher their novel like that? Tolken had an excuse- HE'S DEAD!
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