5 Things you probably didnt know about me. Taken from
1) I always need to have constant approval from everyone around me. No matter what it is, if I feel they see something's wrong with me I feel like i need to figure out what it is and change it. I put others ideas/views of me before my own self-esteem, it's something I've been doing since grade school because I was the kid always picked on and who wanted to be accepted. It's retarded I realize, but my image to others is more important to me than my feelings about myself.
2) I was jealous about my brother when we were younger because of his friends and his athletic abilities. I always needed his approval and followed him around and annoyed him because of it. Something I never got over until a few years ago, it goes with my first but I wanted him to accept me.
3) I have a constant fear of letting people close to me because if I do I will only end up hurting them. The easiest relationship is that of the single status, less heartache for me and those around me.
4) I've been the person to almost ruin a strong relationship because I couldnt help what I felt for that person, no matter how they comfort me I will always be guilty.
5) My morning schedule is so routine that if I wake up even 5 minutes late I can lose the will to actually follow through with the routine. The time in the morning that I have is devoted to me and if it's cut short it can be the judge of a good or a bad day. Im a stickler for routine.
If it matters I tag Amanda, Kristine, and Lindsay. Do it and post.