Not-So Sticky Fingers

Aug 14, 2011 17:26

Title: Not-So Sticky Fingers
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jiyong/Youngbae (GD/YB)
Genre: action/drama
Summary: Jiyong wasn't having the best of days lately, and Youngbae just made it worse.
A/N: Idea taken from the prompt by ymo1557  The prompt was G-Dragon/Taeyang: Thief....(I don't even think I did it right...)

Things can’t get any worse, he groaned having no other option but to let his body strategically mold itself around the vertical metal pole in the crowded subway car. With his sternum pressed up against the rod and his fingers wrapped around said pole he held on for dear life all the while praying that it was a cute girl who had been trying to cop a feel since two stops ago and not some pervy old man.

To say Jiyong was having a bad day would be a severe understatement. The poor guy was having a bad everything. Up until recently Jiyong had no complaints. Life was good. He had a decent job, that although wasn’t that interesting or entertaining managed to put a roof over his head and food on the table, as well as an equally amazing girlfriend to come home to after a hard day’s work. But like a row of dominos meticulously lined up or a house of cards built with steady hands, life was just waiting for the perfect time to throw him a curve ball and watch him crumble.

And crumble he did.

In the span of a week he got laid off from his job, his girlfriend broke up with him via an e-mail, and after looking over his shoulder was certain that the person who was trying to squeeze his butt was definitely not a cute girl. Yeah, things couldn’t get any worse.

A hiss escaped his clenched teeth when the subway came to an abrupt halt and he was pressed impossibly closer to the metal rod with people pushing their way out. Squeezing his own way through, Jiyong stumbled out of the subway car barely making it out onto the platform before the doors shut and turned around to give Mr. Touchy-feely the finger. “Fuck you,” he mouthed glaring at the older male who quickly looked away.

More than pleased with himself Jiyong smirked, stuffing his hands in the front pockets of his tattered jeans as he watched the train depart, his eyes never leaving the male inside the car until he was out of sight. People continued to rush past him on the platform, probably eager to get to work but Jiyong couldn’t care less. It was a luxury he no longer had. It was a shitty job anyways; he tried telling himself hoping that it would make him feel less pitiful as he turned away from the tracks and headed toward the stairs leading up to the main street.

A small explicit passed his lips and his left hand automatically reached for his assaulted shoulder after some guy in a hoodie bumped into him. “Hey, watch it!” Jiyong snapped half-expecting some sort of apology from the other but instead was only met with his back as the man simply continued on his way. “A ‘sorry’ wouldn’t hurt, asshole.” Jiyong yelled back at the retreating figure, rubbing his shoulder as he continued to head toward the stairway.

Call it instinct or paranoia, either way it justified why Jiyong’s hand moved to his back pocket to check if his wallet was still where he stuffed it that morning. “What the- you’ve got to be kidding me.” Things just got worse, the male groaned when he realized his wallet wasn’t there anymore. It took the male a few seconds before it dawned on him that the guy who bumped into him, didn’t just bump into him. Jiyong’s head popped up in time to see the man take off running. “Hey, wait!”

Breaking into a sprint, Jiyong ran after the hooded man. “Move.” He shouted, pushing past people as he tried desperately to catch the thief. “Get out of my way!” He took the stairs two at a time, his frustration over the situation quickly being replaced with pure raw anger. “Stop you fuckin’ asshole!”

The black hood of the thief’s jacket fell back revealing a disheveled mohawk when he peered over his shoulder to see his mark chasing after him. “Shit.” He never would have expected that the lanky boy who was pressed up against the pole in the subway car would have bothered to chase after him. He looked like he didn’t have the courage to do anything really. Picking up the pace, Youngbae mirrored his mark’s actions and tackled the stairs two steps at a time, his hand clutching onto the weathered wallet in his jacket pocket.

Reaching the main street Youngbae didn’t hesitate and ran across the busy street chock full of honking cars and outraged drivers. Swirling around when he reached the sidewalk he smirked back at Jiyong who skidded to a halt when he saw the rapidly passing cars on the road.

He’s wrong about me. Jiyong concluded. Just like everyone else. His boss thought he didn’t have potential, his ex-girlfriend claimed he was not dependable and now this guy, the pickpocket. They all made assumptions about him never giving him the chance to prove himself. With clenched fists and a silent prayer Jiyong took off running across the hectic street, his eyes set on the retreating mohawk who assumed Jiyong had accepted defeat and was simply walking away down the street.

“Hey asshole.” Jiyong snarled, utterly satisfied with the look of shock on Youngbae’s face when he turned around to see his victim staring right at him. Quick on his feet, Youngbae spun around and took off running again dodging people as they passed and turned into a small side street. “Bad move.” Jiyong taunted, not the least bit out of breath when he ran into the street just a few steps behind him and watched as Youngbae stared at the ten-foot barbed wire fence before him.

“Fuck you.” The thief eloquently spit back already figuring out his next move when his eyes landed on a dumpster but this time he wasn’t quick enough. Just as Youngbae attempted to jump onto the dumpster he was pulled down by a pair of surprisingly strong hands and pushed down onto the ground. Adrenaline quickly replaced his momentary shock and Youngbae ignored the searing pain in his back scrambling to get up to his feet. But just like before, Jiyong beat him to it taking a swing at Youngbae and landing a punch hitting the thief square in the jaw forcing the culprit back onto the ground.

“You-fuckin’-piece-of-shit.” Jiyong growled, straddling Youngbae while still on the ground, throwing punches left and right at the man below him.

Using his forearms as a shield, Youngbae held them over his face trying to block the hits but Jiyong was merciless. “Get the hell off of me!” He shouted out in vain. Determined to not go down without a fight, Youngbae began to hit back swinging his arms around haphazardly hoping that at least one of his punches would be met with Jiyong’s flesh and not just air. Getting lucky, Youngbae managed to deliver a jab to Jiyong’s side that sent the man reeling to the ground beside him.

Successfully getting up to his feet, Youngbae made sure the steel-toe of his boot connected with Jiyong’s ribs a few times, “fuck you.” He spit out the collecting pool of blood in his mouth at the defeated man on the floor kicking him another time just for good measure while reaching for the wallet in his jacket pocket. He flipped open the brown leather wallet looking at how much money was inside and kicked Jiyong again hard.

“Dumbass.” A choked chuckle came from the man on the floor turned on his side clutching onto his stomach. Enraged, Youngbae threw the wallet at Jiyong, his right leg lifting off the floor ready to collide into the man’s abdomen once again.

Nothing. Jiyong had absolutely nothing in his wallet aside from his ID and his subway pass.

Anticipating the next kick, Jiyong grabbed onto Youngbae’s right foot right as it came charging toward him and swung out his left leg throwing Youngbae off his feet sending him careening back onto the dirty cement. With lithe movements in no time Jiyong’s fingers were digging into the man’s messy mohawk, pressing Youngbae’s face into the asphalt while his other fist assaulted the man’s lower back relentlessly.

This was more than just about a stolen wallet thoughtlessly thrown aside on the ground as if it had no worth. It was about Jiyong who had grown fed up with people tossing him aside and thinking he had no worth - no potential. Turning Youngbae around, Jiyong straddled the man again landing punch after punch ignoring the sweat that trickled down his brow and stung his eyes. “Not so helpless, am I?” Jiyong questioned, not pausing from his attack to hear a response. “Not so useless, huh?”

Youngbae merely groaned underneath him, slowing finding it pointless to try and fight back. “Never saw this coming, did you?” Jiyong continued to taunt the young man, while the speed and accuracy at which he landed his punches quickly dwindled. Overcome with fatigue himself, the ache Jiyong felt in his arms were nothing compared to the physical pain Youngbae was undoubtedly going through as his arms fell limp to his sides the moment Jiyong got off of him.

“Piece of shit.” Jiyong snarled standing over the man, staring at the bruised and bloodied face of the once-fearless pickpocket like it was a piece of art. “I hope you think of me the next time you try to steal some other guy’s wallet.” With one last half-assed kick to Youngbae’s leg, Jiyong grinned at the sound of utter pain that escaped the beaten man’s lips. “Quit whining. Things could be worse.” He added taking a few steps backwards watching as the man curled up into a ball, Youngbae's hands clenching onto his stomach as he breathed through clenched teeth. Leaning down to pick up his empty wallet Jiyong dusted it off before stuffing it back in to his back pocket. Taking one last glance at Youngbae Jiyong left the small alley feeling suddenly optimistic and ready to take on whatever life wanted to throw at him.

word count: 1685

oneshot, 30-day fic challenge

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