This whole ID thing is getting to be too fucking much. I can only stand a certain amount of idiocy per day and this small amount is usually exhausted in the first 2 hours working in corporate America. Throw ID into the mix and I'm done in about 5 minutes. And so, I'm going to rant. I'm going to rant like there's no fucking tomorrow. And at the end I shall feel better. I shall be sated. And NO ONE will mention "... how obvious it is that this is part of God's great plan?"
"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth, and with stupid people claiming philosophy and metaphysics as science, too stupid and stubborn to know the difference, and too set in their ways to care. And Death was frightened of these people and road away saying, 'AAAHHHHHHHAHAHHAHAHAH! IDers!!! RUN FOR YOUR SANITY!!!'"
- (My Book of Personal) Revelations 6:8
I've tried debating with IDers that it isn't science. They don't listen. I've tried showing them the evolution of this "theory" from the writing of Aquinas. They don't listen. I've told them of the writings of ID's "founder", Phillip Johnson, who explicitly states that the ultimate goal of the theory is to get the Bible and God back into American schools and culture. So fine. I'm taking a different approach. I will suppose that you are right. That ID is a wonderful scientific theory. It's not crack-brained at all. HOWEVER, as a follower of this theory, I do feel duty bound to inform you that the conclusion of these arguments isn't that there is a God and that he created man, but rather that life was created. That it has a creator, who may or may not be the Creator. Get it? No, I'm serious. Check it out.
Life is too complex to have been arrived at randomly. There are plenty of phenomena (the development of complex organs like eyes and livers) that are poorly and inadequately explained by Evolution and science. The only logical explanation is that life was designed. At some point we had a designer. THAT DOES NOT IMPLY THAT IT WAS GOD!!!
An alternate theory: We are actually the products of a super intelligent, amorphous, alien blob. This blob had no organs, no appendages, no nothing. It was just a blob. But really REALLY smart. In fact, the only thing organized about him was his consciousness. Unfortunately, consciousness, being an abstract concept and in no way measurable, can't really claim to be a product of design. And this amorphous blob, being an amorphous blob, didn't really display any of the characteristics that Dembski et al believe constitute design. He wasn't really irreducibly complex. I mean, he's an amorphous blob. Take a big chunk out of him and he's STILL an amorphous blob. And he wasn't really specifically complex. I mean, there's really no rhyme or reason to his amorphous nature. If you look at his chemical composition, then sure, maybe he's specifically complex, but I'm not sure that you want to do that. Cuz that would mean that everything is specifically complex. Amino Acids, for instance. Amino Acids are also irreducibly complex. Using this theory then, amino acids must have a designer. Yet the Miller-Urey experiment, which mimicked the conditions of the primordial stew yielded the creation of amino acids. Since Amino Acids are designed, and we certainly didn't design them, and no one saw an amorphous blob roaming the laboratory, it appears that basic chemistry is absolved from the design rule. As such the blob's composition isn't in question. And so he wasn't designed. So he needn't have had a creator. So God doesn't necessarily exist.
Now this is a theory that I think people can line up behind. I mean, it's scientific, not religious, and involves cute amorphous super-intelligent blobs. I mean, come on! Remember the NES classic, "A Boy and his Blob"? Where do you think that the little boy's sidekick was based off of? DAMN STRAIGHT!!!
Wait, what do you mean? My Amorphous blob theory has holes in it? What are you talking about? You just don't want to admit that your precious evolution and Bible could be wrong!! It's because of bias like yours that we Blobites must petition to stop the rampant hostility that we face in both the scientific and religious communities. FINE!!! Don't believe our highly scientific theories. All we ask is that you don't impregnate the next generation with your dogmatic messages of hate and intolerance. TEACH THE CONTROVERSY, DAMNIT!!! Let the children decide. Oh, but you won't will you? Cuz who are they gonna choose? A vengeful mean spirited "God" who doesn't even allow Sodomy let alone Gomorrah, a weird really hard to understand concept that is actual science, or the totally awesome and completely logical video game character they all know and love. Choosing God, kids, is KILLING KIRBY!
What do you mean that this makes no sense?!?! Yeah?