The walls have been scrawled with "Long live Drakthar!" But who is Drakthar. Goblins leapt from the shadows, how we slew them for many long minutes. Then we saw a bugbear walking away, our weapons ineffective. He disappeared into the darkness and rats came forth. So exhausted we turned to leave for the surface to rest. In our way a giant wolf prepared to attack. I fell, unconscious from its blows. The party hurt it, it turned to gas. I awoke and concluded, it is a vampire.
We rearmed and rested. Returned into the depths, vampire hunting. Through more goblins we advanced. In the distance, Drakthar stood surrounded by wolves. They began to advance. *poof* The wizard webbed them tight. We slew the few that evaded the spell. We moved closer. I waited for my prey. The barbarian began slaying the wolves. Drakthar tried to dominate his mind. The wizard released the web spell. I charged, my prey now visible... attack: d20 + 18... 33. Hit. Damage? 3d6 ... 4 + 2 + 2 is Hmm. 50!
Wielding lance two handed.
16 Str + Bull Str. = +7
Magic weapon Cast on lance. = +1
Story Str bonus = +3
Smite Evil = +3
Sub-total = 1d6 + 14
Spirted Charge = x3
Total = 3d6 + 42
Session ends with 5th level paladin dealing 50 damage to the vampire, Drakthar.
Next week, track a gaseous vampire to its lair.