For those of you reading
zra42, you would already know that I went hiking this weekend. But my story begins a time before that.
Friday then I worked and then left a slight earlier than normal, for my apartment stood in disarray and people would be visiting soon enough. A shove, a scrub, and a vacuum later left me a couple minutes late for meeting others in the park. In a surprising turn of events, only Paula was there so we sat for a couple minutes before others arrived. Time on swings, time with Frisbees, and then to dinner. It was one of the intern's last day, so the decision was placed on her shoulders (along with another intern whose birthday was the preceding day). Eventually we made our way to the Ave and ate Greek food. Yum... Pitas and humus. After dinner, some wanted bubble tea and while there a call was received to the effect that people were waiting for us at my apartment. So the force gathered and raced back across the lake. Flying to my apartment, I let people in to my clean place (gasp). Cloud was uncertain, yet brave and sat on the floor like everyone else. People played with my iPod stereo for a few minutes before demanding video games. We played Mario Kart (N64), Goldeneye (N64) and Soul Cablibur II (GC), before midnight came around and I kicked the dozen or so people out.
Saturday I was up at 8 (ah, sleeping in) and gathered my gear for hiking. We gathered and split the 18 people into four cars. The three women (Paula, Laura, and Megan) decided to take my car. We were third up, thanks to the gas stop. And early afternoon finally found the group at the trailhead. Sunscreen and bug spray applied, up we went. I was probably carrying about twice as much as anyone else, yet still found the trail easy. Only 3.7 miles and 1800' of gain. The views were good but not stunning. I wish the group had convened at 6am and been able to reach something more spectacular. Back in the parking lot waiting for others, we threw around a Frisbee until it took a jaunt off the cliff. Even though I had switched into casual shoes (Adidas Sambas), I scrambled down through the brush and recovered the Frisbee. Jeff was reminded of his key recovery mission. Eventually everyone returned, with one injury that I cleaned up and off we went. Over gravel and dirt roads until I found my favorite section of road. And finally back into civilization and dinner at Red Lobster. Paula and I again ordered the same meal. Finally home again.
Another 8am start. I worried about the I-90 bridge closure and traffic, so I was ready early. Into my car I went and the car failed me. Clickity - whirl - whirl. Radio. Hmm. Clickity - whirl - whirl. Radio. Not starting. AAA! They came (an hour after my call) and verified that the battery was mostly dead, enough for the gauges but not for actual starting. I drove around to attempt to build a charge up. Backed the car in, off and then clickity - whirl - whirl. Nope.
After lunch, I cycled off to read for the afternoon with 20cf. The host had spent some time in Japan, and was showing some drawings that his host family had done. One was of the demon umbrellas. When an umbrella is damaged and not repaired, it grows jealous of other umbrellas but does nothing out of loyalty to its owner. When the owner passes on, the umbrella becomes a demon and goes hopping through the streets at night terrorizing people as a sort of social justice. I think I understand Dragon Warrior much better now. After 4 hours, I had finally read Ender's Game.
And then into swimsuits. The water felt much colder than a couple weeks ago when the weather was 95 outside. Eventually acclimated, we tossed some stress balls around and then when the pool cleared. Paula and I raced. I built up a 6' lead by the time I took my first breath, but I had also drifted so that I was almost in front of her. Switching strokes, I glided into the turn. She flip-turned and had a lead. I recovered most as the finish approached, but she carried the win by less than 2 inches. Next time: goggles for me, and lane lines. :)
Hot tub and then all four of us cleaned up for dinner. I cycled back ahead of them, then was picked up for dinner and
Compline. All of us were impressed by the beauty of the song. And finally home again.
Today I also had to ride my bike into work.