Figured it was about time for another picture-proof of insanity.
My current collection. Everything on these three shelves is BPAL or BPAL related.
Top shelf, left to right: labels, bubble mailers, candies/teas (yellow box), bubble wrap (blue box), little baggies, vials and lids, pipettes.
Middle shelf, left to right: pens/post-its/cap and imp labels/tape/stickers (top red box), pending orders/stuff on hold (bottom box), bath salts, soaps (Cool-Whip and fancier red box), bottles/imps to retest (olive green box), untested bottles (green tin), shorties/roller bottles/bottles to keep (Cool-Whip), non-BPAL vials (cigar box), bottles/rare imps to keep (purple box)
Bottom shelf, left to right: bottles to keep (see-through bin, black box, sea foam green box), imps to keep (both purple boxes), stuff to sell (green box)
Middle shelf boxes opened, revealing goodies!
Bottom shelf boxes opend - more goodies!
As usual, hi, I'm
supremegoddess1, and I'm an addict.