Apr 05, 2006 18:52
My Peony Moon (which I love!) arrived today, along with two frimps...this is my first official shipment from the Lab. Yay!
Unfortunately, though, I had one of my first ewwwwwww! moments with BPAL. The first frimp I opened, after teh floral symphony that is Peony Moon, was Scarecrow. It was not a good segue, let me tell ya.
To me, Scarecrow smells like nail polish remover and ass.
So, off I went to the forum to see if anyone else had the reaction I did. A few folks smelled the nail polish remover, but not the...shall we say...undertone. There were people waxing poetic about mown grass and stuff. Upon second smell ("You're a glutton for punishment!" my SO said--he didn't like it either), I sort of got an Astroturf-y kind of note, but that was about it. Some folks said that it changed when you put it on, but I was frankly afraid.
Well, I suppose I now have a swap pile of one. ^-^
reviewer: cid62,
scent: scarecrow,
chatter: cns & arrivals