burn after reading was disappointing. Frances McDormand, her character, and her performance, in particular, was unfortunate. The nytimes and the new yorker agreed that the movie had no "heart" but I was excited and intrigued nonetheless. Brad Pitt was the highlight. He reminded me of David's friend K, who is similarly energetic and aggressively optimistic. Though K, is way way smarter.
I'm going to milwaukee in the middle of october to visit s and a. I'm looking forward to the trip. I've been entrenched in work, in a way that's become sort of unhealthy, so it will be good to have a change of pace.
I am also trying to make this road trip happen:
http://collect.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.showDetails&Band_Show_ID=37722882&friendid=2700157 Yes I have a one track mind.
p.s: looks like the next great depression is upon us. finally: