boztopia Jan 23, 2008 22:10
iraq, scott mclellan, security, donald rumsfeld, rollo tomasi, disaster, condolezza rice, john edwards, dick cheney, republicans, ari fleischer, colin powell, george w. bush, paul wolfowitz, democrats, fraud, iraq war, stupid things i read on the internets, lies, afghanistan,, hillary clinton
boztopia Mar 20, 2007 08:22
iraq, worst president ever, gun ban, republicans, al-qaeda, george w. bush, superdickery, constitution, law of the jungle, voting rights, government, miserable failure, iraq war, stupid things i read on the internets, afghanistan, 9/11, washington dc
boztopia Nov 08, 2006 01:40
iraq, congress, donald rumsfeld, disaster, night of the long knives, republicans, katrina, george w. bush, democrats, pollution, government, iraq war, stupid things i read on the internets, afghanistan, 9/11, sacrificial lamb
boztopia Nov 07, 2006 19:47
democrats, capitol hill, macaca, government, congress, afghanistan, gulf coast, disaster, george allen, post-9/11 world, 2006 election, jim webb, george w. bush