My horoscopes gave me several pointed reminders this past week that I cannot force change. I have to relax and let things flow, and if I trust in the universe to work itself out, I will invariably achieve the outcome I want.
This's very difficult for me--as anyone who has known me for a long time knows, I always push for the best, and expect a lot of both others and myself. I get terribly frustrated when things don't go my way, or don't happen in the EXACT order I wish them to. But you have to let go of that. This is not to say you shouldn't push yourself to achieve the best possible results, but that once you've hit your limits--once you've done all you can do--you have to sit back and relax. There is a balance between being the universe's punching bag and trying to smack through reality Superboy-Prime style. :)
You'd probably be expecting me to be out and about today, but such is not the case. Even though the weather is stunning, there are throngs of annoying tourists scurrying about that I just don't want to be around. I love being around people...I love watching them and seeing the course of life play out before me...but if I have an objective or goal, the last thing I want to deal with is a horde of toolboxes who don't know how to navigate the Metro. :)
I might go for a swim or take a walk later, once the sun drops a bit further down. I'm also contemplating
dcmidnight, as I'm sure the crew from this year's Freak Day will show up in force, but I'm not terribly enthusiastic. My horoscope says I should go out and have fun, though, so we shall see.
Last night I watched "Ultraviolet," and I have to say my
initial view of it still holds. The dialogue and pacing are still almost pure trash, but the visuals really are stunning. Milla worked her perfect little ass off to make the wushu seem convincing, and it really is a very good comic book movie. Unfortunately, if you attempt to view it as a real movie, it still falls apart rather fast. And no,
Larry, the so-called "Director's Cut" doesn't explain what the Blood Chinoi are. :)
I think it's very telling that the behind-the-scenes commentary gushes with what a visionary Kurt Wimmer is, but you never hear from him one bit. It's also funny how much of a good actress Milla is--if you listen to her commentary track, she comes off like a total ditsy bimbo. :)