(no subject)

Oct 15, 2009 07:02

Here are some truths:

I saw her face that night and wanted to break it. I've chosen to hate her because she's an easy target and I've already wasted enough time on you. Time you didn't deserve.
I don't really mean that last part, though I wish I did.
You and I should stop believing that we deserve second chances because honestly, we broke apart years ago for a reason. There's nothing beautiful about us.
I am loving unexpected things and I don't know if I've seen anything more beautiful than your face at my door. Not lately.
I drive by your house every day and each time I do, I feel a little better, I hate you a little more.
I'm teaching the entire load today.
I'm also taking my best friend out to dinner in the city and she has no idea. It's going to be incredible.
My lips are starting to chap.
I'm good at this, though I can't fathom why.
I'm good at you, thought I never thought I'd be.
I'm glad we're speaking again because I missed you. After 22 years, it's hard to go without, even for a little while.
I used to think that you were bitchy, unreasonable and hard to please. Then this happened and I decided you were just a wonderful person hiding behind some silly defense mechanisms and a quiet mouth. Then something else happened and I realized that you are, in fact, bitchy, unreasonable and hard to please.
I like your hair these days.
I don't want hurt you again, but I will if I have to.
I'm not as interesting as you think I am but I love to hear you dispute it.
I never thought I'd say any of these things, but I did.

I've decided that no matter what happens to me, it's worth it. It's always worth. Every crappy, shitty, outrageous, shameful, fantastic, insignificant or superficial thing that happens to me is a point for growth, a story to tell, something good to carry with me and I love it all the same. No matter what happens, I am the happiest, I am the luckiest, my life is golden, my hands are tied and I am free to love and live and learn and expire in whatever fashion I choose.
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