
Jun 29, 2020 13:58

It has been 2 years since I last posted. TWO YEARS! I used to live on this site. In truth I haven't even read people's posts in 12 months. I'm a bad man.

What have I been up to? Well, very little since Lockdown kicked in. I don't think I have left Bristol once since the country shut up shop. To think this was meant to be my year of travel too! There was a family trip to Morocco planned for Easter, then my partner and I were due to spend a couple of weeks in Boston, Cape Cod and New York to usher in my new decade. In August I was meant to go to Germany to play badminton at the Gay Eurogames but that has been cancelled. Instead I have barely gone further than a couple of miles from my front door.

In truth though, lockdown has been good for me. I am fortunate to not have had the disease, nor has anyone close to me been particularly affected. I am mainly working from home these days, which I have enjoyed. I head in to the office for a day or two a week and it is good to get out of the house. Cabin Fever is real.

I would describe myself in general as an outgoing introvert. I'm shy but suffer FOMO easily, so am always out doing stuff in the evenings and weekends. Being shut in at home has felt like a retreat and a welcome break from the busy side of life.

Oh, and the TIVO is finally edging towards zero %.

That's the past 3 months... other than that, I have been playing a lot of badminton over the past couple of years. My ability nowhere near reflects the amount of practice I have had, as I am still pretty terrible. It is fun though, and I play with a really great group of players. That has been put on hold of late, but we are optimistic it will start up again in the coming weeks.

Running is still a thing too. I'm struggling with it at the mo, although I still go out 3 times a week. My fitness has plummeted of late. I still hit my 10k steps every day, but my average used to be 17k a day and looking at my step counter, my weekly average is now 10,250. Which means I am just about scraping my goal. This manifests itself in me having to stop for breathers when running, which I never used to need to do. I should probably address this sooner rather than later.

So yeah, that's about it. See you in 2022 I guess!
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