Monday, 7th May 2018

May 09, 2018 11:56

Hey glimpseatmyday - my name is Tom and I live in Bristol in the UK. On this day I went for a walk with my boyfriend, our dog and our neighbours.

Morning world! The OCD part of my brain is delighted to awake at 7:05 on 07/05

I'll save you witnessing my ablutions and skip straight to Juno's breakfast. She is patiently awaiting the command to scoff her food.

And now my turn to scoff. Muesli with extra sultanas and 'nanas.

Juno has broken her own personal speed-eating record and has collapsed victoriously.

It isn't long until she recovers her energy and I find myself on the dessert menu

I fashion my escape and head to the gym. I get self conscious taking snaps in there, hence the rather rushed and solemn pic.

I spent an hour on the treadmill, walking on a gradient. Watching high-stakes poker helped pass the time.

I arrive home and my boyfriend has surfaced and is giving our pet seal a cuddle.

We meet up with our neighbours and head out for a walk. Today is a bank holiday and the sun has made a rare appearance. We intend to enjoy it as much as possible.

We walk for a couple of hours and reward ourselves with a pub lunch

This is the pub- The Angel in Long Ashton. My first time here.

I had a halloumi and beetroot salad. It was pretty decent, but perhaps needed more salad bits.

Our walk continues. Juno had dropped off a little gift, which we had to carry for quite some time.

5 hours after we set off, we are back in Bristol. Behind me is the SS Great Britain which is now a museum.

I collapse in front of the TV and watch Pointless. This is my favourite TV show and I've applied to go on it, but have not heard back from the production team, so won't be holding my breath.

I'm too lazy to cook, so head next door to the Chinese.

I tried a new item on the menu - 'Yummy Pork and Rice'. I wasn't blown away - the pork was more like diced bacon than what I had hoped. It was tasty, but they do better alternatives.

Our rather untidy kitchen table.

The rest of the evening is spent with our feet up. Juno, in particular, was wiped out from the walk. I guess she only has little legs.

The final pic before sleepy time - taking Juno's chew toy off her.
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