Feb 05, 2008 19:04
Weird. I wonder if anyone thinks of music like I do, lol. Maybe that's why people don't really understand why it's such a sensitive subject. I also think that maybe that's why not that many people listen to the stuff that I listen to, because they don't understand it. I can't just listen to music that only has one interpretation. Like it's so straight forward that it can't really be about anything else. I like words that could mean a thousand different things. I am really good at applying it to myself or my life, etc. And I am really good at figuring out metaphors and figuring out what songs are really about. Or, well, guessing. Some songs are really hard though. But I love them that way too, that way I can make up what it's about to better suit me, ha.
I probably should take a music interpretation class. but I'm not sure if it will really be what I would want it to be like.
I remember one time, senior year in English, Mr. Lewellen wanted us to try to figure out the lyrics to Mr. Jones by Counting Crows, and like NO ONE came up with the interpretation that HE wanted....and he got so frustrated. Aleesha had to tell me what he wanted us to say, lol. But that's kind of ridiculous to want a CERTAIN answer to an INTERPRETATION. Everyone's interpretations are different, duuuuh. It's like an opinion....so wtf. It was weird. I didn't even say it after she told me, lol. Cause I didn't want to after I found out he wanted me to think the same way he did, ha.