So long, farewell...

Jan 24, 2016 00:28

Greetings, all.

In June last year, I posted an announcement that I was no longer able to be the owner and admin of this group, and as the moderators no longer seem to be active, this has left boy_touching at sea without a captain. I sent a call-out inviting any members of the community to volunteer to take over.

I did not receive any messages or comments with genuine offers to transfer ownership, and so, it's my sad duty to say that I have no choice but to close BT. If someone would really like to take over as admin at this point, please contact me ASAP, but after so long, I think it's time to get the hint.

It was a pleasure to take over ownership of BT long ago and to get to know so many of you. It's my opinion that the needs and interests of the community have, over time, grown beyond what LJ can provide. The tag limit severely crippled the search and archive functions of the community, and as other social media platforms have become increasingly more popular (eg. Tumblr), the numbers on LJ have dwindled. But over the years, we've put together quite the collection of man-love here, still impressive in its thoroughness and variety compared to many other sites with the same. All these contributions came from you. So thanks for sharing, not just the BT but also in the comments. I know a lot of firm friendships grew from this community and i'm proud to have been there in any capacity for all that.

Thanks again. It's been great.



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