Today an many of you know is Veterans’ Day and in honor of the day I put together a large photo post of Military Guys doing some boy touching. Now just like last year I’m using only photos I believe of actual Military men and none of them are rated more then PG nut a few are suggestive. This is very image heavy, but hopefully no repeats from last year, but enjoy.
*Does anyone know of a boy touching group over on Dreamwidth?
Just two guys being together as friends
And always having each other’s back
And supporting each other through everything
And of course it’s not just two guys but teams, hanging up and having fun
They also have to train hard
But that doesn’t mean they can’t have some fun too
And get real close
But who wants to sleep alone?
Not these guys
Under the sun
Or at night
In a bed
On the floor
Or anywhere
They love to puppy pile
Even if they aren’t sleeping
It’s great to have friends you can throw around
And just put on a show that know the rest of the world likes