Table Of Contents

May 08, 2010 03:06

This is the content entry.  It just gives links to all of the things in here, maybe even some links out.

Non-Roleplay Stuff
Muselist - List of my muses with miniprofile-things.
Requests - Where you can request/demand we roleplay certain things.  You could probably use it to ask other stuff of me, too.
Concrit/Contact - Concrit is short for constructive criticism.  Not that I had to tell you that.  But that's where you post all the. . .well, it's the How's My Driving/How Am I Roleplaying post.  It's also the contact post.

Alternate Continuation Of Volume 3 PruHun Strips--Het; R-18; Complete; PruHun
Germany Works While Italy Makes Delicious Pasta--Shonen-ai; G; Dropped; light GerIta
Practicing For The Next World Cup--Shounded-ai; G; Incomplete/Dropped; GerIta

Art and Fics

Roleplay Meme I
Roleplay Meme II
Fetish Meme

content, mun, non-roleplay

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