Okay, so, I officially love playing Dawn of War: Winter Assault. After the mini LAN party with Matt, Max, (and briefly Ruby!) last night as well as a few games with Max today, I have discovered that amazing things can happen when you upgrade to a Monastary. (Or, just, build an Armory in general.) *sigh* Good day. Also, Max and I went bowling. Of course, I'm usually reminded that I'm not that great at bowling just about every time I go.. but.. it was fun. And Max didn't beat me by that much. :-P
It bothers me that I have nothing planned for tomorrow between the hours of whenever I wake up and work at 5:30PM. Perhaps I'll play Dawn of War. (Or Fable! I have Fable now! Ahh...) I'm pleased.
On another note, I officially have 13.64GB of music thanks to Matt, Max, and the wonderfulness that is ourTunes. :-D
Awkward quote of the day:
I'm on the phone, ending a call at work. Chris, my advisor, walks in the room with his camera and takes a picture of me. I get off the phone.
Me: "Where is [the picture] going, Chris?"
Chris: "On my.. elicit website."
Me: "Uh huh."
Chris: "I'm going to digitally take all of your clothes off."