User layout: ilikesidewalks Problem areas: Comments, links list, user icons
See how where the user icons are, is there anyway to make the color behind it stay the same color istead of getting darker? Also, is there anyway to get some kind of border around each comment?
2. On my links list my text always ends up size 8 & my links end up size 7. I've looked through my codes & I don't see any size 8 text anywhere. How can make all the text in the link list the same size?
3. I know there's a way to get rid of all the text around user icons, but is there a way to get it so just the bottom text goes away?
4. Is there a way to get it so my user icon for each entry shows when your just looking at one entry, but not on my main page?
5. Right now I have my comments set the old way but is there a way to do that for my friends page too?
set text_view_friends = "friends"; set color_nav_bg = "#F4F4F4"; set nav_link = "#000000"; set nav_scale = "same"; set page_width = 600; set entry_link = "#C2C2C2"; set entry_bg = "#FFFFFF"; set text_view_archive = "memories"; set text_view_recent = "recent"; set info_font = "#000000"; set my_date = "long"; set entry_font = "#000000"; set info_link_visited = "#F4F4F4"; set text_view_month = "calendar"; set entry_link_visited = "#F4F4F4"; set links_divider = " . "; set info_bg = "#638A9D"; set links_name = ""; set info_link = "#F4F4F4"; set bg_color = "#C2C2C2"; set font_size = "small"; set font_family = "verdana"; set page_background_pattern = "none"; set page_background_image =""; set page_friends_items = 25; set page_recent_items = 10; set text_meta_music = "music"; set text_meta_mood = "mood"; set show_mini_calendar = false; set show_entry_userpic = false; set linklist_support = false; set lineheight = 17; set view_entry_disabled = true;
function Page::print_custom_head() { """ D A M N___H O T
function FriendsPage::print_entry (Entry e) { var Friend f = $.friends{$e.journal.username}; $f.bgcolor = "red"; $f.fgcolor = "blue"; print_entry($this, $e, $f.bgcolor, $f.fgcolor, false); }
############################################# # # Top Navigation # #############################################
function print_nav(Page p) {
# figure out the width of each table cell in the navigation based on total page width var int blank = $*page_width - 600; if($p.journal.website_url) { $blank = $blank - 0; }
if ($e.metadata) { foreach var string k ($e.metadata) { var string text = $k; var string val = $e.metadata{$k}; if ($k == "mood") { $text = $*text_meta_mood; } if ($k == "music") { $text = $*text_meta_music; } if ($k == "mood" and defined $e.mood_icon) { var Image i = $e.mood_icon; $val = " $val"; } $metadata = $metadata + """$text: $val """; } }
if (not $hide_text) { print "
"; print "
"; }
var Link mem; $mem = $e->get_link("mem_add"); if(defined $mem) { """ """; }
var Link lnk; $lnk = $e->get_link("edit_entry");
if(defined $lnk) { """ """; }
var Link tell; $tell = $e->get_link("tell_friend"); if(defined $tell) { """ """; }