Yay drama that isn't even my own!

Mar 26, 2005 10:17

How is it that i end up smack in the middle of drama that doesn't belong to me? If i fuck shit up for myself, that's fine - that kind of drama i can deal with because i was an active part. But being the passive player in drama is zero percent acceptable for the following reason:

Someone asks me about something I know about - and I tell them what i know. Why? I'm not going to lie to a friend. Simple as that. I didn't go around tattle-taling on anyone, but I'm not going to lie when I'm DIRECTLY asked about something specific. Sorry. Not my game, and I don't feel that it should have to be. Why should i have to protect anyone, friend or not, from something he/she did? --(whether or not the person remembers it (Drinking!) happens to be a fun little added extra in drama)-- Fuck THIS shit, because I end up getting BLAMED for being asked a question and telling what i know.

Fuck it.
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