i said Magnolia Tree, put your branches on me.

Jul 13, 2008 15:10

i got my second tattoo. it hurts like a bitch right now since it's on my chest and all, but it turned out so good. Aaron at Glen's Tattoo did it [where i got my monroe done] and he recognized me from other places. i think that was the most comfortable i have ever been. such a cool dude. i went with my cousin who wound up getting horseshoes and hooking me up with some of her gift certificate money. score.

Lauren Reece finally moved to Buffalo. we threw her a sweet party right before and i got hammered. sloppy drunk if you will. probably the most drunk i've been in my life and i didn't even know it. i don't remember half of what happened. i remember drinking a couple of drinks, but if there were more....which i'm assuming there were since i couldn't stop throwing up....i couldn't tell you. so since then, i have limited my drinking. 
lastly, i woke up to blood on the walls [not from i]. found out that a sketchy guy who came wound up passed out in a bush half a mile down the road. my makeup had been used on Kyle, who passed out on the couch. so much more shit that i won't get into, but about everybody got sick so i didn't feel so bad about the throwing up part. still, i'm limiting the alcohol intake.

Shaun graduated from basic training. so proud of him. he just got his phone back so i'm hoping to catch up with him soon.

i need to plan another trip to New York asap. i'm getting tired of this place again. typical.

i do have a trip to the beach planned for August though. Wendy is coming along. i have yet to actually swim in any body of water this summer so that shall change.

i also still have yet to ride my bike this summer. reminder: steal bike from parents house.

i'm dating a dude. i still don't know how i feel about it. i'm trying to take it slow and make sure i actually wanna be with him and all. this is a struggle i'm having as of now.

Warped Tour is Monday. let's hope i don't scorch like year's past. wait, forget it. i'm goin be as red as a beet.
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