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bowtrunckle May 6 2012, 02:38:51 UTC
Don't forget 7) SAM AND CAS (finally) TALKING

We were just missing a shirtless or one-layer scene and hurt!Sam and/or hurt!Dean followed by full-belly laughing and a brotherly moment of bonding. ;) Heh, now a SPN episode that plays to every single SPN trope is sounding like cracktastic fun.

it just didn't feel like a SPN episode ... it felt too "big".

It's hard to pin down exactly why this episode felt strange. I've seen "weird" and "huh?" used to describe it a lot. I think there was a lot of exposition and effort expended in introducing new characters and repositioning old ones (as there inevitably is) while simultaneously having characters mend fences and move the plot forward. Also I found the camerawork to be strangely static, reduced to head shots of people talking in a room rather than action-y scenes or scenes with the boys walking around outside talking and moving and not just standing there with their confused faces on (see? They thought it was off, too). This episode had a lot going on in terms of getting things ready for the final episodes of the season (this was the "housecleaning" episode), but I think it was too ambitious for a single episode; the net effect was scattershot.


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