Did anyone else get whiplash from this episode? Wow, a whole cast of characters jumping in and out and rendezvousing in various places, disappearing, reappearing, and dying. New old angels, demons, Cas, Meg, mentions of Crowley, Lucifer, and the YED, ghost!Bobby creeping around (I liked that his presence was accounted for), and even Leviathan Edgar from waayy back in the day when the boys thought smooshing him with a car would kill him, this almost could've been a SPN reunion episode. ;) The whole thing felt like it was literally all over the place. I swear, it must hold the record for most places ever ... Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, and Australia (I wonder if Cas ran into the Anti-Christ down there ... I know, I'm like a dog with a bone and need to get over it already). And is it me, or does Meg now has the propensity of speaking as if she's allergic to punctuation? Don't get me wrong, I love the character of Meg, I just found the dialogue delivery from RM to be a little distracting tonight. Anyone else find themselves thinking that the microscopic het proportion of fandom will start writing Cas/Meg fic now?
But I liked Kevin. And I imagine .gifs of him hyperventilating into the brown paper bag will be aptly used by fandom. *glee* I'm curious to know if he and his mom will turn up again or if we'll get a throwaway line next episode that they were Leviathan chow as SPN has a habit of tying up dangling threads and characters who have powers that could be easy-outs for the boys by killing them. The Sorry scene with Cas and Dean was clever and engaging and had Ben Edlund's fingerprints all over it. Somehow I get the feeling Ben got slated to write this episode not because he pitched it--it lacks that whimsical/zany/twisty cleverness that seems to be the hallmark of Edlund's screenplay brain children--but because they needed a strong writer to gather/organize the plot threads and position all the characters for lead up to the finale.
I think I'll have to watch this episode again. I have a feeling it'll be one of those that takes some time to appreciate more. As it is now, it left a weird aftertaste (like balsamic vinegar ice cream) that's hard to articulate other than, "Huh." But it'll be interesting to see how the writers tie up this season. What new Big Bad could spin out of this when the boys have already encountered and pinned Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory? Erm ... maybe earth and crazy, unpredictable humans?