Fic Rec

Nov 24, 2010 00:58

So lately I've been pursuing other fannish endeavors, mostly regressing back to my first fandom because SPN has become so difficult for me to watch.  Then I somehow stumbled upon this fic by gretazreta and was reminded of the amazing quality of writing the SPN fandom possesses.  I don't read a lot of fic and I certainly don't devour a 44,000 word ( Read more... )

fic, recs, spn

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yourlibrarian November 24 2010, 23:15:43 UTC
What was your first fandom?

I read this last month and enjoyed it, though not as much as you did it seems. I never read the novel, but I've discovered that by reading SPN fic I've "watched" all sorts of movies and "read" all sorts of books as a result ;) It was a suitably epic story for a BB.

I've certainly been disappointed by the SPN canon for a while now but the fic strikes me as being as good as it ever was although I am reading less canon-based fic these days and a lot more RPS. My impression is that there just is less long canon fic being written and a lot more codas and short pieces.


bowtrunckle November 28 2010, 02:41:08 UTC
What was your first fandom?

Harry Potter. My perked interest has to do with my SPN blah and because of the new movie release (which I've yet to see, doh). I used to write fic and was also part of a RPG.

I've discovered that by reading SPN fic I've "watched" all sorts of movies and "read" all sorts of books as a result ;)

And by watching vids, I've discovered all sorts of songs and artists I wouldn't have found otherwise.

but the fic strikes me as being as good as it ever was

That's heartening. My comment about this fic reminding me of S2/S2-S3 hiatus fic had to do with the insular nature of SPN and the fic at that time. Mainly, being solely Sam-n-Dean without a cast of angels and demons pushing and pulling and obscuring the story. I liked this fic because its sense of intimacy and narrow focus on just the boys and their bond reminded me of "simpler times" and what I think of fondly as my honeymoon period with this fandom. :)

My impression is that there just is less long canon fic being written and a lot more codas ( ... )


yourlibrarian November 28 2010, 02:53:11 UTC
Ah, yes I could see Potter fandom getting a boost from the new film.

And by watching vids, I've discovered all sorts of songs and artists I wouldn't have found otherwise.

Me too. Although I think the majority of vids tend to still use the slower, sappier tunes, there's quite a diversity of content out there.

I liked this fic because its sense of intimacy and narrow focus on just the boys and their bond reminded me of "simpler times" and what I think of fondly as my honeymoon period with this fandom. :)

As it happens I just finished reading a western time-travel fic set post-Shadows that did a really nice job of bringing back the S1 era issues Sam and Dean had, particularly with John.

I wonder if it's because the 5-year arc has now been ended and we're just getting the barest glimpses of a new mytharc that has yet to really give us meaty clues in which to elaborate on. I agree. I think right now the canon is changing so much episode by episode that unless a writer really was intrigued by their current path I couldn't see them ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 29 2010, 02:25:27 UTC
I think the majority of vids tend to still use the slower, sappier tunes

What can we say? This fandom is full of a bunch of emo drama fangirls. :D

I just finished reading a western time-travel fic

Sounds interesting. Is it worth a look?

the best period for fic may have been post-S3

It's a fine line between the show providing enough information to get people intrigued enough to want to write about future possibilities with some confidence AND leaving enough wiggle room such that the future story isn't dead ended or left in a way that the future looks mundane and predictable. The short of it is: there needs to be a clear cut goal with a variety of interesting canon-based possibilities on how to achieve it. I agree, S3 fit the bill for that more than any other season.


yourlibrarian November 29 2010, 05:42:39 UTC
Sounds interesting. Is it worth a look?

Sure, it was well done. It's called Heroes for Ghosts:


bowtrunckle December 16 2010, 13:25:32 UTC
I just finished reading this fic. It was well done with enough brotherly H/C to fill my monthly quota. Parts of this fic would transfer nicely to the big screen (boys galloping on horses in front of a wall of water). Thanks for the rec!


yourlibrarian December 16 2010, 19:35:37 UTC
Sure thing. I thought she'd gotten surprisingly few readers given the quality of the story.


bowtrunckle December 16 2010, 21:37:07 UTC
That's funny you mention that as I noticed that, too. Only ~50 comments for the final chapter. I wondered if it was because it was gen fic. Now I should (obviously) go leave a comment. :)


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