Fic Rec

Nov 24, 2010 00:58

So lately I've been pursuing other fannish endeavors, mostly regressing back to my first fandom because SPN has become so difficult for me to watch.  Then I somehow stumbled upon this fic by gretazreta and was reminded of the amazing quality of writing the SPN fandom possesses.  I don't read a lot of fic and I certainly don't devour a 44,000 word story in one evening, but tonight I did (and look at what time it is!).  This story is a merging of SPN S1-S5 and the novel "The Time Traveler's Wife".  It twists the canon of both just right such that this new story has legitimate legs while somehow remaining true to both the original sources, and, like the novel, this story pretzels in on itself in the most satisfying way, making you want to read more and more and more until you're up at obnoxious hours of the night pounding away on your keyboard and blabbing in run-on sentences into the void of the internet.  This is such a gorgeous story.  The writing is tight and deft and not at all purple, yet gets the reader right where they need to be--in the emotional story, inside the head space of SamandDean.  It's the Winchester boys so wrapped up in each other that it reminds me of the fic the SPN fandom was producing during S2 and the S2-S3 hiatus--when it was just Sam and Dean and their Big Fat Tragic Devotion against all else.  And perhaps that's partially why I enjoyed it so very much.  It reminded me of what was (and I hope will be again) the heart of this little show about two brothers and their epic love story.  If you haven't read this, do it now.

fic, recs, spn

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