SPN 5x22 (if you don't watch SPN just skip this entry because it's embarrassing)

May 14, 2010 01:38


HOLY F***, SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I know I said somewhere I'd be ok with Sam jumping in and then fading to black because I love me some angsty-drama.  BUT.  BUT.  Apparently I didn't quite think that through because ... Sam without Dean and Dean without Sam is not what I want.

And, arhhh, the flashbacks!  The flashbacks!  Talk about ripping my heart to shreds.  OH GOD.  Anytime a movie/TV show does that (you know, the replaying of significant/happier times to music during a point of realization in order to squeeze every last drop of emotion from an audiences' wrung out, over-sensitized, seizing-with-panic hearts?), I always always cry.  Always.  I'm such a sap,

And Chuck?  Chuck?  Hello?  Should we rename 4x02, "Are You There CHUCK?  It's Me, FREAKING THE HELL OUT"  Are we supposed to take his white shirt and Houdini act to mean that the one who has been talking to Heaven's gardener this entire time?!  What?


With all that attention to the Impala, I was getting worried that something B-A-D BAD was going to happen to her.  Thankfully not.  At least Dean still has her, the last remnant of his ripped-to-shreds family.  Because, OMG, Sam.

OH SAM.  :(   SAAAMMMM.  SAM.  SAM.  I can't even...

Maybe next week coherency will find its way back into my brain.  *sniff*

BTW, if this is the way Kripke envisioned the end (minus the last 5 seconds of the episode), then I'm glad we have another season because that ending DOES NOT satisfy the ENTIRE implicit promise set up at the beginning of the story.  It hits 2/3 of it ... but is missing the part about Sam and Dean being together in the end.  I'm 110% serious.  I will write a meta about it.  Seriously.  Watch me.  *crazy eyes*

BTW, I loved the episode minus that bit about Sam and Dean being apart ... but, you know, Sam just going to knock on the door and give Dean a hug any minute after he's done being a peeping tom and all (we always knew you were pervy Sam *smish*).  Then they'll all sit down and eat hamburgers and there will be giant pie and Sam will insist on having salad for dessert and flash an epic bitchface when Dean gives him a salad with pie smashed on top of it.  I'm sure this will be the opening scene in S6.  *nods*

And ... *whispers*  Bobby's soul?

OH, and Sam will have Dean's amulet.

freaking the hell out

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