Need a fix to get you to Thursday?

May 05, 2009 22:54

Flist, do you have your daily weekly monthly dose of angst yet?  If not, check out this vid by absrip.  The still art that's used in it is gorgeous and should get a nod just on its own.  But animated, set to music, and paired with clips from the show, it's something to see.  I love the coloring, the sepia tones give the entire vid a sort of ethereal, otherworldly feel, and the close-ups featured in most of the clip selections gives it an intensity and a weird feeling of intimacy that would've been lost otherwise (also, there's that underused overhead umbrella shot from "Scarecrow" compliments of Kim Manners \o/).  The editing is well done and compliments the music; the last 40 seconds are my favorite.  FYI, this is a Wincest vid (one of the best I've seen).  There are manips and some explicit external-source material.  Leave comments for the vidder here.

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