Flappy Gum Syndrome and Diarrhea of the Fingers

May 03, 2009 09:36

A meta by karenmiller got me thinking about Dean and Sam and the overturning of their belief systems since S2 ("HotH") and how that would affect their actions at the end of S4.  I started typing my response only to find I wrote way too much to politely post as a comment (oops), so I'm posting my thoughts here because nobody cares if I pollute my own journal ( Read more... )

supernatural meta

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dianne_37 May 4 2009, 19:32:17 UTC
I agree, I think it's still about saving people and I think Sam hopes he can be saved too. I really hope it remains that way because it's what I hope for out of the story since finding out that Sam had demon blood. If the writers strayed totally from the basic plot they've been establishing since day one where Sam was thrust into Dean's arms I think it would be a disservice to those that watch the show. I think, like you said here, that the reasoning behind what they do might be different now since they found out more about the forces of good and evil and where they are placed in their lives. I'll never forget Sam's eager eyes and the way his hand shot out to shake Castiel's hand when he found out there were really angels and the way Castiel almost withdrew his hand like Sam was a leper or something dirty. That was so sad, since Sam told Dean he prayed daily and it was Dean who the angels were interested in. A total shock had to have hit both of them and thus, beliefs changed and motives changed, but not the extent where they were forgotten. I could be wrong, I often am, but my hope is that it's still about saving people and each other and being brothers. *sniffles a bit* Brothers that call each other bitch, and jerk ... and Sammy. But ... how happy will I be if and when that finally happens again, even if I have to wait a year for it? Very happy. I could have just written that I did not care for Bambi as a child, nor did I care for Old Yeller or Bridge to Tarabithia. I know, I'm a grown up, but truly, the real world has enough hurt and violence and sad endings to last a lifetime and so my entertainment hopefully will give something happier. If not, I won't consider my time watching SPN a waste but but I wouldn't buy the final season. I have no idea where this came from, but back to the idea of your post ... Yes, they've changed, but yeah, I still think it's about saving people. Either way, what a story the writers have woven! Just incredible.


bowtrunckle May 5 2009, 18:20:23 UTC
I hope the heart of the story, Sam and Dean trying to save each other (even if it gets a little warped and their actions are at odds), carries through until the series finale. If that somehow gets lost in the process and never comes full circle, then it would be terribly unsatisfying for all the viewers who enjoy the brother relationship aspect of the show.

That scene where Sam meets the angels in "Great Pumpkin" was a little heart breaking in an "awww Sam" way. I think the fact Castiel did take Sam's hand in both of his spoke volumes about Castiel's character at that point in the series. More than anything else, I think, it gave a sense of hope for Sam, for the possibility of redemption and acceptance, for angels not being total dicks, and for Dean's trust in Castiel (because, IMHO, anyone who out right rejects Sam likely will be rejected by Dean and his big brother protector mentality). It's interesting how after "The Rapture" Castiel is back at square one; I'm not sure if Sam offered his hand if Castiel would take it now, esp. witnessing Sam's desperate demon blood slurping (ewwwww, that still makes me make my Mr. Yuk face *gags*).

they've changed, but I still think it's about saving people.

Change is good. It keeps things from getting boring, and provides lots of fodder for fannish discussion. :)


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