A Grab Bag of Goodness

Apr 23, 2008 18:04

Things that made me smile today:

1. This lovely b-day fic from
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Comments 26

yourlibrarian April 24 2008, 02:02:28 UTC
Heh to the Calvin & Hobbes. If that isn't the truth!


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 17:28:41 UTC
Bill Watterson rules. Calvin and Hobbs were a permanent fixture of my childhood. My brother had all their books and I used to color them with my colored pencils XD! Naughty.


copper_season April 24 2008, 02:28:02 UTC
I think it would be awfully interesting to read A's papers too. I wouldn't have much of a clue of what he's talking about, but I've always been fascinated with oceanography.

I will have to remember that SPN is on tomorrow night. I always forget. LOL!


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 17:44:17 UTC
His papers can be pretty interesting. They're full of very pretty pictures of little organisms essentially made of glass. The applications of his stuff are neat, lots of carbon sequestration questions (you know the whole issue of "counteracting" global warming by using the oceans as a carbon sink). In fact, there's some person from one of those California bio companies visiting. They want to dump some sort of colloidal iron into the ocean to induce a phytoplankton bloom in an attempt to drawn down CO2 from the atmosphere.

I always forget.

Well, this is me reminding you! :) SPN is on tonight at 9 pm on CW. Are you in the same time zone as me? I recall something strange with daylight savings whereby you guys were on west coast time for part of the year, but I can't remember if you're normally like that or not or ... *is confused*

You should watch it. *big grin*


copper_season April 24 2008, 19:22:43 UTC
I'm on west coast time with you. Yay!

Arizona is the weird state that is usually an hour ahead of us, except when Spring forward hits, then they're the same as the west coast time zone. They don't practice daylight savings, which I just found out about four years ago. LOL.


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 19:58:52 UTC
Yay! For the west coast time zone! Never mind we're almost the last ones to hit 9 pm on Thursday nights because, yay, there's somebody else to share my pain. :)

Arizona is the weird state that is usually an hour ahead of us

Doh. Sorry, I was getting Phoenix and Vegas time mixed up. See, this is what happens when your parents move every year to a different city and your brain is slow and not been fed breakfast or lunch yet.

I just found out about four years ago.

I just found this out last year and was all, *tilts head* "Bhuzzhuh?" I also found out last year that Newfoundland is on this in-between time zone thing where they're 30 minutes ahead of the rest of the Canadian seaboard. Time zones are weird, we could abolish them if the earth wasn't round.


kjpzak April 24 2008, 04:19:25 UTC
Let's see...as a "con enabler" that must mean I'm supposed to purchase a ticket for you to Emerald City Comiccon...okay, I'm on it! I also checked into tickets to Orlando in September - they're kinda pricey right now, but I bet they go down a little as we get closer so hopefully we can get a deal. At least it's non-stop. All I ask is that I don't share a bed. I wake up with an assortment of kids, pets and husband at home. When I'm on vacation, I get the whole thing to myself. You can share with dianne_37. I'm sure she doesn't hog the covers too badly. :)

You know, I think I love Calvin & Hobbes now more as a parent than I did as a kid. His poor parents. I so sympathize!

And because one good fandom deserves another...click on the widget labeled "What the Frak is Going on".


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 18:09:24 UTC
Emerald City Comiccon

Heh! I wouldn't dream of becoming the third wheel on "date night". ;) You two enjoy holding hands and checking out the Styrofoam space ships in the vendors' room (then come back and tell me how much fun it was).

I also checked into tickets to Orlando in September

You move fast! I found tickets for $297.00 on Expedia. It's with a carrier called airTran (ever heard of them? think they'll fold before the fall?), and there's a stop over in Atlanta (grr). I'm thinking with fuel prices projected to skyrocket this summer, airfare will also go up (I just heard on the news that NWA lost some ridiculous amount of $ just because of the spike in fuel cost over the last couple of months), so it might be wiser to buy tickets sooner than later. Anyway, EyeCon tickets don't go on sale until the middle of May so we have time to make decisions. :)

His poor parents. I so sympathize!My favorite set of C&H cartoons was when Calvin would get creative with his snowmen in the front yard. I remember one where he built a ( ... )


kjpzak April 24 2008, 18:43:53 UTC
a carrier called airTran

I have heard of them and have seen them in the airport. Most times, I only fly namebrand for the very reason that I don't want to be stuck in say, Davenport, Iowa, with two kids and a grumpy husband trying to get home. (No offense to Davenport. Spent a night in the Perkins Pancake House parking lot in a broken down RV once. People really do eat pancakes at 3 in the morning.)

Calvin would get creative with his snowmen

I LOVE the snowmen! But my favorite is the one strip where Calvin asks his dad why the sky is blue and his dad starts spinning a yarn and from the kitchen his mom yells, "If you don't know, just say so!"

what is going on with the weird musicI can't tell you that! Would ruin the whole thing. Of course, I'm interested in knowing what you think of the conclusion of that whole thing not having seen any more than you have. It might lack a little punch, but it's still cool considering the ramifications ( ... )


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 19:13:18 UTC
People really do eat pancakes at 3 in the morning

Those people are called students. ;) Perkins was our late night study hangout (as in the place you go after procrastinating in the library so you can make fun of your professors and complain about orbitals and electron spins as loud as you want). Once we got this waffle/ice cream dessert monstrosity. Instead of two scoops of vanilla ice cream, it was two scoops of soft butter! *gags*

It might lack a little punch, but it's still cool considering the ramifications.

Maybe I should wait until I watch the previous million episodes?

the best scene ever acted is in the second season and not a word is spoken

I know what scene you're talking about because you told me about it! I'll keep my eyes peeled.

I found the C&H cartoon! *grins*

... )


erinrua April 24 2008, 05:26:19 UTC
I'll be at EyeCon!

LOL, no idea how or if I can afford it, but I'll buy my con tickets soon as they are up. I figure if it all blows up in the meantime ... I can sell my ticket to some other poor deserving soul. ;-)

So yeah! I'll be there, hyperventilating and clautrophobic as the rest of 'em, lol!

~ Erin
Calvin and Hobbes ftw! \o/


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 18:24:38 UTC
YAY! You're going!!!! \O/

I'm still rolling around the possibilities in my head and working out logistics but ... if I'm there you'll be able to recognize me because I'll be the one passed out on the floor with excitement.

I have to say you Con report just might've tipped my "Oh, Cons? I don't know..." scale to "Oh, Cons! Fun dorkiness!" Seeing the actors would be great, but the a big part of the appeal for me would be meeting other people and joining up faces with names. Plus, there are photo opportunities *stares at your icon*

I'll be there, hyperventilating and clautrophobic as the rest of 'em, lol!

Hyperventilation and claustrophia, a small price to pay for selling your soul to a TV show. ;)


hugemind April 24 2008, 15:32:11 UTC
\o/ for the awesomeness - Calvin & Hobbes! I love C&H, and heh, Calvin's got it absolutely right. And I want to add this:

... )


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 19:44:10 UTC

I don't have C&H strips on my hard drive, either

Neither do I. *sporfle* Throughout grad school and when I was teaching, I had this C&H cartoon Calvin is bragging that he knows about rocks. Hobbs asks, "What?". Calvin replies that they're "ballistic missiles from God." LOL! I have it saved on the external hard drive which is waaayyyyy upstairs, so instead I'll share one of my other favorites:

... )


hugemind April 24 2008, 22:06:54 UTC
Yay, science with C&H!

... )


bowtrunckle April 24 2008, 23:13:35 UTC
LOL! Thanks for this! Science rules planet earth all the way to the Oort Cloud! Heh. I said "Oort Cloud". Wait, is that raunchy?

I'll have a bigger chance to strike rich by writing pr0n than by making a profitable discovery in the thesis.

I hear really raunchy prOn can be quite lucrative. ;) In fact, the raunchier the better. They pay by the word, so just interject lots of adjectives like "raunchy" and "moist" to up your word count.

*teehee* OK how many time did I fit that in? *feels accomplished* Raunchy words, ftw!


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