A Grab Bag of Goodness

Apr 23, 2008 18:04

Things that made me smile today:

1. This lovely b-day fic from
sadelyrate  (you are awesome, thank you).  If you're itching for something concise that packs an angst-ridden punch ten times its size, this has your name on it.

Title: Leave out all the rest
Rating: Gen
Pairings/Characters: Sam
Warnings: Nada. No spoilers. No sex. No H/C of any kind. Just unbeta'ed.
Disclaimer: None you know are belong to us.
Summary: "I dreamed I was missing..."

2. I edit my husband's research papers before he submits them to various journals.  Although I can't critically evaluate the methodology or contribute much to the literature review sections (being that I'm not an oceanographer), I can follow an argument and am familiar with the process of writing scientific papers.  I love that he asks me to read his drafts, and I like learning what he's studying beyond just dinner time talk, but sometimes after an hour with a paper I emerge from the office with my hair standing on end, the negative impression of my keyboard stamped on my forehead, and his manuscript with "CLARITY" scrawled across top margin.  So when I saw this Calvin and Hobbs (
hugemind  --> tigers!) cartoon I couldn't help but laugh.

3. A certain tall, dark, charismatic actor who plays half of a brother-brother combo on a supernatural-based TV series has been booked for EyeCon this September in Orlando, FL.  I've never been to a fan convention (and if you would've asked me five years ago what the word "fandom" was I would've said it was probably an acronym for some right wing Washington think tank), but with the glowing praise from this year's EyeCon I can't help but be intrigued.  So, flist, who's going to be hyperventilating in some crowded hotel conference room in late September?  :) 
kjpzak, you're my Con enabler, don't fail me before I chicken out.
dianne_37, I'll be sending your Gravol in the mail. ;)

4. This vid by
antigonesgift.  A great 1:30 recap of the season to bring you up to speed for tomorrow night.  Heart-pumping music and an eye-boggling number of cuts make this vid clip along at a good pace (great clip selection, too).  If you weren't already wishing it was Thursday, you will after watching this.  Leave her feedback here.  I look forward to reading everyone's reaction posts tomorrow!  :)
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