Apr 29, 2006 02:13
Zoe gave me letter "J". Now I must do this surveyyyy!!
Journal - I like writing :)
Job - I need one and miss my old one like CRAZY!!!
Jelly - Puppy #2 in my family!! She's a fatty, but I love her.
Jack - Puppy #4 in my family!! I watched Jelly give birth to him. I know, kind of weird, but hey...it was cool.
June - Summer time. Also, June '05 was one of the most amazing months ever :)
Jello - Delicious snack, with hardly any calories. Everyone wins.
Jejunum - The middle portion of the small intestine. I'm a nursing major. Enough said.
Junk - I hate it. I don't like "stuff".
Johnny - My little bro. I love him mostly because he's just like me :)
Jeff Foxworthy - Absolutely hysterical!!!