Oct 18, 2007 17:36
I've got 20 pages of writing due on Monday.
- 6-7 page Paper on anything I've read for Early British Literature (I wrote it on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
- 6 page (its how long it ended up), essay midterm on the Pre-Socratic philosophers.
- 2 page Paper on the role of houses in Gothic Literature
- 4 page Response to last week's Response to Sartre (if you've never heard of Sartre, consider yourself blessed... this man doesn't know why dictionary's were created)
- 1 page Response to Jen Soerings "An Expensive Way to Make Bad People Worse"
And plan D&D for Saturday.
So far I've got the Pre-Socratic paper finished, and the Brit Lit paper in a rough draft form (however, I hated it immensely, lit profs love Post-Modernism, but I get the impression that they don't actually understand what the post-moderns were actually trying to say)
Tonight, get research done for the Sartre paper, and knock off the Gothic Literature paper. This leaves Friday open to plan d&d, and Saturday/Sunday open for proof reading.