Just finished reading Captain America Reborn #6 and...Oh em gee! I'm just...it was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.
My favorite part of the whole thing? Getting to see the boys in action again! Yes, we got some of this in Who Will Wield The Shield? but this is the first "official " time they're back together again - which just makes me eighty kinds of excited!
I think the art speaks for itself.
I absolutely require an icon of Steve assisting James up.
And then later on in the comic....this happens...
Seeing the boys in uniform together? It's....GUH! YES! I absolutely, one-thousand percent FANGIRLED hardcore!
I also got to see Sharon & Steve
reunited. I'll admit, I was rather disappointed in the
ending art. Steve is all "Oh, Sharon, you're so beautiful" and she's all...NOT! Who *drew* that last panel or two?! That was NOT Sharon & Steve. Especially not the super!sexy!Sharon/Steve that is seen throughout the REST of the comic.
I will say though, I did very much want to have Sharon Carter's babies when she took down the Red Skull. That's my girl!! Now that her man's back, hopefully she can go back to being cool. >.<
Yaaayyyy, Steve has returned!!