Aug 19, 2010 13:45
Summer's end is bittersweet this year. It's sad that already the days are shorter and the nights cooler. I loved sitting out in the backyard, just a book, my kitty, and I. We had a beautiful summer here. There are good things though; first off, my daughter returns from Europe the day after tomorrow (just 2 days - not that I'm counting! lol). Secondly, as soon as we pick her up at the airport, we head up for a week up north - my family and my sister's family. It's the one week of the year that we all drop everything and just relax and enjoy each other.
In the meantime, back on the home front, besides packing for the trip, I'm trying to do some reorganizing because the day after we return, my son moves back home after being away for 2 years (this is a good thing).
My health is not good - the dr. said they're trying to hold my body in "stasis" until they figure out what the problem is. All my organs (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen) are compromised, and the danger now is that any one of them could go into failure, and at that point, there wouldn't be much they could do.
So - I have a choice: live each day afraid that something I do will set off something in my body, or, as Eminem says, determine that "I'm not afraid". I choose the latter. Yes, I'm afraid, but I choose to not let that fear run my life.