After my catharsis last night I actually feel better. I met with an advisor today and she told me that it is possible for me to rehab my GPA enough to stay in school. It may be difficult but it should be within my ability. If I do get kicked out, I can go to Community COllege for two years and then return, but I'd rather not have to leave at all.
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But aside from anything academic, I completely understand how you feel. Such a large campus and no real backbone for you to rely on. I'm sure your brother has his own agenda and isn't always there to talk about emotions... but that happens to be one of my specialties, so you can always email me... or ask for my number. Familiar faces are always appreciated, but you need more, right? Like a burned Queen CD? *poke* So anyway, I saw your post and realized how much I missed awesome people like you. *sigh*
To oblige your post:
I'm in college, which is s'posed to be a big deal but half of my teachers take it too seriously and the other half think it's a fact, the only class I have that is a balance is a Jazz dance class.. which doesn't really count. My Calculus teacher is crazy...grades carzily and has a crazy accent. So, I'm crazily failing. Not failing. Just not passing well enough. so if they aren't serious about it, why should I be? I hate grading scales and I hate how impersonal classes are. A grade should be based on more than how you perform on tests. And don't even get me started about my Lecanto Senior counterparts... they have no clue and I feel evil about this, but I can't wait to see them fall on their asses.
that was more of a rant... hmmm...
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