Mar 24, 2007 03:39
i thought i would have missed a lot taking a month long hiatus from the eljay, but apparently march is too busy a month to be posting on websites. i guess lj's been discarded in favor of the myspace 'blog'. pity.
i also thought i had given up on this stupid thing entirely, as there's never a guarantee anyone will read it and the chances are small that it benefits anyone involved. iguess the human urge for self-expression is stronger than the common sense that says "if someone really wanted to know what you did yesterday, they'd ask."
of course, no one actually posts what they do every day. mostly just vagueries and insinuations. i mean, who really wants strangers reading the intimate details of their lives? you'd end up with a bunch of creepy anonymous groupie comments on your entries like k.j. :)
anyway. in case you WERE wondering what i did yesterday, i was in bed all day w/ a fever and nasty cold till i had to get up and drive to greenville to act in Julius Caesar at the warehouse theatre. upon my arrival i popped two ibuprofen and took an hour nap till fight call. thus thoroughly drugged i dragged my ass thru the show and coughed my way through the curtain call and away back home. tonight was quite similar but with less fever and pills and more coughing, but i Became a lot of Information, i think. for instance: "this actor has a runny nose."
well, now that i've disgusted someone with my symptoms, i guess i should go to bed.
maybe i'm sick because i persist in staying up til 4 a.m. most nights...