Sep 29, 2009 14:28
For the past few weeks I've felt like I've been walking around with this big secret. I have been. The fact that I knew that in the near future we would be moving out of this area was weighing very heavily on me. A few things have been weighing on me. I was trying to decide when the right time would be to tell my supervisor of our plans. One one hand I couldn't shoot myself in the foot by telling her too soon and having her send me packing. On the other hand I know that it takes some time to put the wheels in motion for them to post the position, sift through resumes, interview and hire someone. Not to mention that I need to train this person. I am the only person who does my job in for this entire county. I have to give the newbie the ins and outs. Perhaps I should have shared this information two weeks ago.
Like any big change in life there are so many factors and players involved. Sometimes I get discouraged and think that the grand jestor is pulling all my strings and having a good time laughing at watching me stumble and fall. I try to keep the positive hat on my head at all times but it can be hard.
My supervisor (who does not work in the same area as I do) had surgery and is out on leave until the end of October. Laughing I tell you! I had a mini meltdown when I read the e-mail stating this. The end of the e-mail stated that she would try to check e-mail from home when she could. It was my only option.
I worked on my e-mail to her over the weekend. Polished it up yesterday and sent it off today. I didn't expect to hear from her for a few days but within an hour my phone range. My heart dropped. I really wasn't ready but I had to be. I had sent her a proposal asking her if there was an opportunity to continue working for this company but in Western NY. We do have offices in some areas near there. I knew it was a long shot but for some reason I had some slim notion that it might work out. I've been trying to apply for jobs I've found online but I don't need to mention how few there are at this time.
She told me that she would miss having me work for her, that I've been a wonderful employee etc. but that there is nothing in our department. When I put it out there that I would be willing to work for the company in other roles she pretty much told me to go ahead and look online.
I let her know that though our lease ends at the end of October (we have to be out by Oct. 28th) I know that it will take them some time to find someone and I'm willing to stay on until they have a trained replacement. However, she needs to understand that if I am offered a job in Rochester I need to take it. She said that she would get in touch with the proper authorities to have my position posted this week.
Eeeekkkkk! That was scary. Scary to hear yet I knew that's what needed to be done. I haven't told anyone around me, here in my office. That's an entirely other level of exposure. Once that happens the questions never stop and I work with a bunch of busy bees who just LOVE to know everyone's business. I've worked very hard to keep my life private in this place.
I'm scared. Today I am terrified. What if I don't find a job in Rochester to start sometime in November? What if Aaron doesn't find one? Where will I live if I need to stay here after the 28th of October? What are we going to do when we do get to Rochester? (That is a whole other post which I'm sure I'll follow up on this week).
The jestor is laughing down. I'm looking for my hat that reads "Positive". It's here somewhere. I just need to find it....