Feb 28, 2007 21:12


authors; el_em_en_oh_pee (Justin) and hecticity (Luna)

rating; PG-13 for innuendo and adult themes

characters; (in order of appearance) Justin Finch-Fletchley, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Gilderoy Lockhart, Winky the House Elf, Millicent Bulstrode, and references to Pansy Parkinson and Hannah Abbott

summary; In which the authors ( Read more... )

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crucio_4_coffee March 1 2007, 04:52:46 UTC
This was really cute! Nice work! (And I totally love Mythbusters!)

And yay for the Luna/Pansy pairing, too!


willfully March 1 2007, 04:57:18 UTC
Thank you! (XD so do we!!!)

Luna/Pansy is made of awesome, especially because even though it makes Arie sad.

P.S., I'm sorry I never wrote you Harry Crucio'ing anyone. Shall do that eventually, maybe.


crucio_4_coffee March 1 2007, 05:11:51 UTC
Well, um ... here:

"And then Harry showed up and ran around the room casting Crucio at a swarm of Magical mosquitoes -- must have been about a hundred or so instances of the Unforgivable just flying around the room. Apparantly, he's been hitting the Ogden's pretty hard lately."

Since it's in the comments, it totally counts. :D

(I'll be donating the full amount. Thank you for everything you (both) have done!)


el_em_en_oh_pee March 1 2007, 05:15:11 UTC
i totally told her to edit it so that he says it. just now. i promise.
... )


crucio_4_coffee March 1 2007, 05:19:06 UTC
Lol -- y'all are hilarious! (And you don't have to do that -- I'm donating the full amount regardless, but hee hee hee *loves*)


willfully March 1 2007, 05:20:45 UTC

You rock my world. And you're very welcome! Thanks for sponsoring me, of course *blushes*

(And I really shall write you some, because it's a fantastic prompt. Promise. *goes to add to List of Doom*)

Oh, and. Sorry Broken Curtain died, too.


crucio_4_coffee March 1 2007, 05:39:11 UTC
Actually, BC is kinda my fault -- I should have passed Harry on to someone with more time. And I am very proud to sponsor you!


willfully March 1 2007, 05:54:40 UTC
Nono, s'the fault of the modly beings having no time (and one of us, namely me, being in FAR too many RPs for her own good). Thank you for playing my Harry, for as long as you did :)

Yay! *goes to count up fics and words and friend people like mad*


el_em_en_oh_pee March 1 2007, 05:08:15 UTC
heeeeeeeee! thanks!
... )


crucio_4_coffee March 1 2007, 05:12:47 UTC
*hands you a kleenex*

Is there a femslash pair that you do especially like? I'll give you some comment porn to ease your pain.


el_em_en_oh_pee March 1 2007, 05:21:11 UTC
uhm, everything but luna/pansy? XDDD no but seriously i like it all! except hermione/ginny and luna/pansy when there COULD BE hannah/pansy going on (XP). which is my otp, hannah/pansy. though i love anything with hannah in it most. also also also gosh, i need to refer to my list of otps to remember. srsly, i fail at this one otp thing. uhm, i am babbling and making No Sense, aren't i? :|

also also also i'm a terrible person because i totally thought that there were thirty days in february until this morning, when i remembered that HEY, FEBRUARY IS THE SHORT MONTH, so i have an ALMOST-DONE h/d thing for hpqfac but it's after midnight est so technically it's closed. :| is there any possible way i could get around the it being closed thing?
... )


crucio_4_coffee March 1 2007, 05:38:11 UTC
We're not about to turn down money from anyone, dear! I'm sure your sponsor will understand! So post post post!

And (very watered-down) comment porn for you:

The Potentials of Various Stars

They lie down together in the grass and Hermione sees that Luna is doing it again"You shouldn't look directly at the sun," Hermione softly chides. But Luna is who she is and cannot help it ( ... )


el_em_en_oh_pee March 1 2007, 05:43:07 UTC
(1) wheeeeeeeeeeyay!

(2) omgomgomgomg
... )


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