Feb 28, 2007 21:12


authors; el_em_en_oh_pee (Justin) and hecticity (Luna)

rating; PG-13 for innuendo and adult themes

characters; (in order of appearance) Justin Finch-Fletchley, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Gilderoy Lockhart, Winky the House Elf, Millicent Bulstrode, and references to Pansy Parkinson and Hannah Abbott

summary; In which the authors ( Read more... )

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el_em_en_oh_pee March 1 2007, 05:21:11 UTC
uhm, everything but luna/pansy? XDDD no but seriously i like it all! except hermione/ginny and luna/pansy when there COULD BE hannah/pansy going on (XP). which is my otp, hannah/pansy. though i love anything with hannah in it most. also also also gosh, i need to refer to my list of otps to remember. srsly, i fail at this one otp thing. uhm, i am babbling and making No Sense, aren't i? :|

also also also i'm a terrible person because i totally thought that there were thirty days in february until this morning, when i remembered that HEY, FEBRUARY IS THE SHORT MONTH, so i have an ALMOST-DONE h/d thing for hpqfac but it's after midnight est so technically it's closed. :| is there any possible way i could get around the it being closed thing?
i promise cookies and for it to be done before two est. :|


crucio_4_coffee March 1 2007, 05:38:11 UTC
We're not about to turn down money from anyone, dear! I'm sure your sponsor will understand! So post post post!

And (very watered-down) comment porn for you:

The Potentials of Various Stars

They lie down together in the grass and Hermione sees that Luna is doing it again.

"You shouldn't look directly at the sun," Hermione softly chides. But Luna is who she is and cannot help it.

"I feel sorry for him," Luna sighs. Hermione's hand is in hers, although neither of them know how it got there. Luna rubs Hermione's palm with her thumb in a way that would seem absent to an outside observer, but she knows that Hermione is counting every stroke.

"Feel sorry for who?" Hermione asks.

"The sun, of course. It has such limited potential. Other stars, bigger stars, they'll grow larger and then shrink down and become black holes when all is done. But our sun isn't large enough now to ever be more than a white dwarf."

Hermione rolls over on her side and her lips brush lightly over Luna's ear. "That makes you sad?" she asks as her free hand moves between the opening of Luna's robes. And down.


Luna gasps. Lightly. Girlishly.

"Missed potential is always sad," she starts to say. She cannot finish, because Hermione's mouth is no longer brushing Luna's ear. Instead, Hermione nibbles there as her fingers slide beneath Luna's knickers and all thoughts of the sun and the potentials of various stars have drifted away.

"I prefer the constant moon," Hermione quickly whispers.

With a cry, Luna agrees.


el_em_en_oh_pee March 1 2007, 05:43:07 UTC
(1) wheeeeeeeeeeyay!

(2) omgomgomgomg

the constant moon! aaaaaaahhh (basically, THANK YOUOMG*

(3) *writes!*


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