Shat On By the Shat

Jan 16, 2008 20:47

Okay, I'll give him Rocketman, because that was a cheesy but somehow brilliant remake with dazzling 70s special effects (even if it did confirm the world's conclusion that sci-fi geeks are a pitiful bunch). Apparently, though, that's not where The Shatner stopped. Among his musical massacres is Pulp's Common People, one of my favorite songs of all time. Adding insult to injury, Ben Folds contributed to it. Also, having a Brit and an American singing alternate verses really kills the rhyming pattern. Especially when one of them is doing something more akin to rhythmic barking.

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In better news, my eye does not seem to be ready to fall out. This is really a bittersweet development, because while I love seeing things on my left side, I've always wanted to get an eyepatch. Hmmm... Perhaps I should watch that video some more until I gouge the eye out myself. Or maybe my rods and cones would eventually burn out.

youtube, geekery, songs

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