Don't let your mind post toastee

Sep 01, 2005 00:06

 Ah It's good to be back! After a good two months of no entries and many stories to tell(well...a few) I felt it high time to leave you with another one. I know there were many rumors about my lack of entries - I died of The German Aids, I was gunned down by Malm 'n' Eggaz, But none of those are true, I am alive and completely well(Although I did get a bad case of ass rot from using a toilet after Roughneck). Hmm, where to begin...

Ok, any entry starting off talking about the Amish is bound to be pure gold:

A couple Fridays ago, Ryan and I met Ashley for another night of fun at the J. To our delight as we walk in, we see a large group of The Amish all around us. I loved how they all looked at Ashley like she was Diabolus himself when her phone rang - As if she wasn't going to Hell already for wearing pants and not wearing a bonnett... *Shakes head*. I think my highlight of the night was:

- Ashley saying "Ezekiel" real loud next to the Amish.

It was also amusing watching her scarf down 29 pieces of french toast as if she'd just been released from a 6 month stay in a concentration camp.

Yea I know, I'm horrible.

There was also a Show/Birthday celebration for Sean at 9th St. awhile back. Bad Dudes, Egon's Unicat and The Dancing Nancies all played. Since it was Sean's Birthday, we were all doing plenty of free shots(In addition to my free pitchers of beer Legend hooked me up with). I also talked to Jacqueline who I had met at the previous Pub show. She hooked me up with a cool 80's website that has classic arcade games on it and some other things. It's been way too long since I played Donkey Kong.

A few weeks ago was the final 4-M of the summer: The 4MAL/Pool Party. I showed up in the middle of "Night Of The Demons 2". Afterwards we all(sans Roughneck) went to the pool. Ryan and I decided to pass on the pool fun and just watch the intense game of pool basketball instead. I was a bit dissapointed Roughneck left early, because I was supposed to bench press him. But hey what can you do? When Nexus and a bottle of poppers are calling, you have to go!

This past weekend Gretchen reminded me it's been a good 7-8 weeks since we hung out, so we decided to hit up the J saturday night. Although there were no Amish, it was still a good night. Here are a couple of my favorite moments:

- Gretchen saying "Psh, nice swimming trunks" to a gentleman who was about to sit down behind us. He abruptly turned around and chose a new seat...on the other side of the room.

- Gretchen eating her "mashed potato boat"...along with her order of fries.

After the J we drove around for a bit before I took her home. Of course I had to do the mandatory drive down by the river.

Monday night brought a return to the Princeton chapter of 4-M(Actually last Monday was the return, but I was too lazy to show). Ryan, Andrew and I checked out "The House on the Edge of the Park", starring David Hess. Now I'm sure you all remember him as Krug from "The Last House on the Left". Once again, he plays a crazy rapist - although he's not quite as bad in this one. Another thing that was similar in both movies, he provided many classic lines that will be laughed at and repeated by us for quite some time.

I see that Bad Dudes are playing an upcoming Pub show this Friday...I think I'll have to check that out!

Well I think that's enough for now...besides, I think Full House is about to start anyways! I'll leave you with these David Hess pics. Look at them while you're pissin' ya pants!

Later kids, Seacrest out!

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