You Will Obey. You Can't Not.

Feb 03, 2011 14:52

Title: You Will Obey. You Can't Not.
Author: highermagic 
Pairings: Demon!Dean/Castiel/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2,400
Spoilers: Gabriel exists. Dean was in Hell.
Summary: Gabriel's furious. Dean and the thing that is inside of Dean can tell when the Archangel flies into the room, summoned there by Castiel who's currently pinned against a wall by Dean's hand - but it's not Dean's hand, because Dean's fighting, as much as he can. One of his eyes is black, the other green, and it's a weird effect, seeing both Hunter and demon inside of him, face twisted in a mix of anger and pain.
Notes/Warnings: Sequel to More Than Whole because people wanted to see some more Demon!Dean/Gabriel/Castiel. I wanted to make it porny but it just didn't swing that way. Sigh. Maybe next time.
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are my own.

pg-16, dean/gabriel/castiel, demon!dean, au/ar

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