MANIP Barn bonk (NC-17, Sam/Dean, NSFW)

Feb 01, 2011 01:22

Title | Barn bonk
Author | chewableprose 
Fandom | Supernatural
Pairing | Sam/Dean
Rating | NC-17
Dedication | dont_hate_me01, thank you for the chocolate torte, it was delicious and in return here’s a juicy serve of beef cake just for you
Brief | Dean forced himself from the bed. To the shower. Got dressed and began to pack. Sam woke mid-pack, “don’t leave man,” he said. “You feel weird about last night, I get that, maybe we need to work a case, and I have just the one”. Sam led them both to a dilapidated shack in a nearby wood, which he said was haunted. They searched the house, but the old books they found were more of the cooking than conjuring kind. Suggesting they wait until nightfall, Sam led them both to the basement. But instead of ghosts and demons coming with the dark, instead came Sam’s hands all over his brother ...
Disclaimer | this is a work of Photoshop manipulation, the author of this work does not, in any way, profit from the work and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s)

Manip and notes @ my LJ

graphic images, rating: nc-17, fanart, slash, -rating: nc-17, sam/dean, --sam/dean

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