Feb 23, 2007 15:21
I scare myself sometimes. Sometimes I get so angry, especially at men, and I feel like I might actually...ooooh, dare I say it, tell one off! Being a completely heterosexual woman, I'm not sure why I dislike men so much as a collection of like-minded people. I love my man, although he has the requisite asshole gene that comes with owning a penis. I love my little man, but he is as yet just being molded. My goal is to make sure he turns out better than the rest.
So, I'm tired of the excuse- "that's the way it's always been". Bullshit! If society didn't change, we would still be subservient possessions considered lower than cattle. We, as the next generation of mothers, can teach our sons to treat women like goddesses. We can teach our sons to be RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTABLE, and RELIABLE. Why are these things lacking in the men of my generation? It's not only the way they are nutured, but society certainly doesn't take any steps to help the situation. Let's see...I think that things would be more marketable if women are portrayed as gorgeous creatures that have porn star appeal, never age, don't have a line or lump on their body, and that only want to please men. Men should be portrayed as dignified no matter what age, unconcerned about a beer belly ('cause beer is perfectly acceptable, even an encouraged, staple of all men), and able to be as flatulant, perverted, and irritating as they want to be. This is the media talking now, not me. AND, to add insult to injury, in the job market, women are expected to "buck up" and make themselve more masculine. Do you think that men are expected to soften up when it's called for? Hell no! Of course not!
The worse part is...WE TOTALLY TAKE IT!!! Why? 'Cause we feel like we have to. Us normal, everyday toilers that don't have high-profile Ad/PR jobs don't feel like it's worth any effort, and I don't blame anyone for feeling that way. There's too much going on in our lives to worry about it. We think we aren't really being affected. Of course not- 'cause "I know what's real". Well, then why are we convinced that our size six pants are too big and they ought to be a size two? Why do we watch the celebs and continue to feel inadequate 'cause we don't have make-up artists, stylists, and personal trainers/chefs on hand to make us "perfect"? It's so sad and it really affects me.
Especially when it's "that time". Why do my estrogen levels make me want to castrate most men (wouldn't really do it, but you know what I mean)? Why is it that they can't and don't want to understand? Why dont' they at least try? If you have a man who tries, consider yourself lucky. Why don't they have to suffer something similar?
I realize that we are the stronger sex...'cause we SOOOOO are. I realize that we have wisdom and insight that they could NEVER in a million years have. But, what has that gotten us? Will I feel better if I live to see a good woman run our country? Will I feel better if a religion is accepted where I can believe in my Godde and it can be a female version?
I guess I'll have to see if it ever happens. But, at least, inside, I know what my truth is. I just have to suffer through their tyrany every month, every full moon, when the light shines on them and I feel it. I pity my boyfriend this weekend, for he is in for a treat :).
Can you tell I had to vent? Love you all, my women friends, my fellow comrades in the plight of womanhood. Have a great weekend!